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Donna and Stu Brenneman, Delegates

Donna & Stu joined MIVO Foundation in 2019. As native York Countians and long time members of the Church Of The Open Door which has a “strong” emphasis in world/local missions, we are blessed to now have the opportunity to be involved with MIVO to​ ignite a passion for God in all people through Christ.
Donna and Stu look forward to using their spiritual gifts of helps and discernment to further MIVO’s mission. Donna has had a career in nursing for over 40 years. Stu has had a career in sales/purchasing. They are blessed to have 2 daughters, 1 son(in-law) and 3 grandchildren. They like to travel and spend time with the family. ​Donna enjoys cooking and baking, and Stu enjoys reading and is an avid Penn State football fan.
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