Bless Home Base


The MIVO Foundation is raising money for a new outdoor patient waiting area. We were hit by many rain storms this past year and are looking to rebuild. As you see in the picture, the structure is not strong. Should we get hit with another massive storm, it could cause major issues. Your gracious donation would help to rebuild this area. The roof not only keeps the rain out, but it also shields our patients from the heat of the sun. The stronger structure will also help our patients feel safer.
The new structure is planned to have concrete posts for structural stability and durability with little maintenance. The metal sheets would be repurposed as possible and new, stronger roofing material will be used to withstand the weather. Please consider making a donation to help make this project a reality.
You can do so at or on the MIVO Facebook page attention to: Christmas 2022 Campaign. We also ask that you cover this project with your continued prayers.
Thank you!
Bless Home Base
The MIVO Foundation Clinic Campaign
Despite the turmoil our beloved Haiti and its people face as a country as well as the challenges of a global pandemic, the MIVO foundation commits to supporting the MIVO Orthopedique Centre as it remains in operation five days per week, even in the absence of our American medical teams.
We began the "Bless Home Base" campaign to strengthen our support of the ongoing work being done at the clinic with the purpose to raise funds, awareness, and prayer support. Below are a few examples of our initiatives in this campaign:
B - Believe In. Through frequent correspondence between Dr. Gracia Etienne and others, MIVO continues to stand behind the services being provided to orthopedic patients in need at the clinic. Gracia serves as a daily resource to the staff. We believe in what God has done and continues to do within the walls of our clinic and through our Haitian staff. In America, we continue to broaden the numbers of those who believe along with us.
L - Love. This is shown in innumerable ways. We strive to love in thought, word and deed. We love as Christ first loved us through ongoing care provision first to those who are on staff so that they can then pass the love and care of Jesus Christ onto the patients and families. Creole bibles passed out and prayers are encouraged as part of each work day. Clinic days begin with song and prayer just as when medical teams are at the clinic.
E - Edify. How can we uplift those who work so hard day in day out in between the American medical missions? May the Haitian staff feel valued despite difficulties. Through this campaign, we are raising awareness of the importance of their roles in fulfilling the mission of MIVO. Their profiles will be placed on MIVO's website as we showcase them as a critical component of our servant team. New ways are being explored to educate our American friends and family about our Haitian MIVO family.
S - Supply. MIVO is researching new ways to have needed supplies and medications on hand for use at our clinic. Recently, we shipped a small container of essential medications, casting materials, and a few other "goodies" to Haiti. We are also in the process of researching available medicines and materials to barter for or to purchase in-country.
S - Sustain. The main component behind this campaign is sustainability. Despite adversities in our world, MIVO believes God will help us to maintain the care we provide at the clinic. In spite of hardship, we will encounter heavenly blessings. Each of us can participate in small and large ways. Our gifts and our specific instructions vary with individuals. We, at MIVO, partner with each of you, in prayer. Be it through financial donation on a website or personal check, in intercessory prayer for the clinic and the people of Haiti, or in ways yet to be discovered, we thank you.