2018 Medical Mission Trips
This team was called to the MIVO clinic for this time and place; we served 761 patients, with 19 surgeries being completed. Each patient holds a special place in our hearts as we strived to help them with their medical issues and give them spiritual support. There are so many stories to share; this team was exceptionally diverse and all worked together to glorify God. Per Casey on Monday “great things are going to happen I can feel it.”
Here are a few examples of how as God says in Ephesians 4:15-16, "Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work."
After both our cast saws stopped working John used his skills to use both casts saw to make one functioning saw. Sara used her skills in the clinic, procedure room and operating room, working endlessly to care for the patients. We removed many casts, did wound care, multiple steroid injections for pain relief and many procedures. Besides the warehouse being organized by Mary, it received new lighting, light bulbs changed in all areas including the residence, additional electrical outlets and privacy for the PACU area installed by James and Casey. Angie and Jean cleaned and reorganized the pharmacy and co-ordinate the surgery and procedure schedules. Karen used her skills in the clinic, loved on all the babies and Haitian people. Dani was the all purpose runner with multiple talents besides physical therapy. Bob and Dave organized all the trauma instrumentation, assisted in surgeries and restocked supplies. Steph and Steph rocked the PACU with organization, new storage area and privacy curtains added while taking care of their patients. In the Operating room, Dr Etienne’s and Sara’s hands were used by God and his team Dave, Bob, Jeremy and Eric to complete 19 surgeries of which were life changing for the Haitian people; such as a nurse needing a knee replacement so she can continue to care of the people of Haiti at another hospital, a below the knee amputation to get rid of a painful infection (IV antibiotics are not an option) and the lists go on and on and none of this would have happened if each person had not answered the call from God.
Many follow up patients from previous surgeries were seen and doing well. As the MIVO foundation grows and each team brings his gifts to share on their trip, God continues to bless us, if you are interested in joining one of our teams please see the website volunteer area for details.

The team arrived safely at the JFK Airport. We are Haiti bound! Keep us in your prayers today that we arrive safely at the MIVO Clinic with all of our supplies for the week ahead. God has big plans for this group!

The team has arrived safely, supplies are unloaded, and we are prepping for tomorrow’s patients. Please keep us in your prayers for a good night’s sleep. We have had a blessed day of travel, thanks be to God.

Warehouse day #2. They have their work cut out for them

The team arrived safely at the JFK Airport. We are Haiti bound! Keep us in your prayers today that we arrive safely at the MIVO Clinic with all of our supplies for the week ahead. God has big plans for this group!
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